Sunday, November 16, 2008


So Addison has been bugging me this week about posting...she's tired of keeping the secret in! She wants to let everyone know how excited she is to be a big sister!! Her new little sister or brother is due to arrive around June 7th next year. She loves babies and is very excited to have a real one of her own around the house! :) (we'll see how long that lasts!)
I am feeling pretty good now. I went through a few weeks of being completely exhausted and nauseated. Thank goodness the nausea is gone, now I am just tired from chasing Addison around all day, she's quite the handful.
What's new with Addison this week...? We've been working a lot lately on eating with a fork, and she is doing very well. Until she gets tired of it and just decides to throw all her food on the floor. She continues to impress us with her ever expanding vocabulary. We understand her a good portion of the time, but sometimes we just have to let her point to what she wants! With all the cold weather lately we have been confined to the indoors. Mostly because mom and dad don't want to stand out in the cold. We have bundled up and gone for a few walks though, its not so bad once you get your heart pumping! Its going to be a long winter stuck indoors with Addy, we're trying to clean up our basement a little so we can give her a place to run around and burn off some energy!
So that's it for this week, sorry, no new pics! Have a great week!


Kate said...
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Kate said...

Congratulations! Wow, maybe the roommates will all end up with a June 7th baby...Cori and I both have one, now maybe you too! We're very happy for you :)

Teresa and Kory said...

YAY!!! Congrats. Now I don't have to keep the secret anymore either :)

Cori said...

Congratulations! We're so excited for you!