Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Baby Scharlau #2

Here's the little peanut at 12 weeks. We had the ultrasound done today, just a first trimester screening. Everything looks great! (In case you can't tell on the picture, the head is on the right. There is a hand just above the nose. There is also a foot sticking up on the left side of the photo.) The baby sat very still while getting its picture taken, probably sleeping. Addy did not sit still for her 12 week ultrasound, she was a little jumping bean! The ultrasound tech measured that the baby is about 2 inches long from head to bottom right now, so right where he/she should be!
So everything is going very well. I feel like I am "popping" out much faster this time! I'll be in those maternity pants in no time!!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
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1 comment:

Teresa and Kory said...

The new baby is adorable!!