Sunday, April 5, 2009

Well, here it is April already! Although it doesn't really feel like it. Its so cold and windy outside, and they are predicting snow this evening. The day is turning out better than I expected though, I think it was supposed to be rainy/sleety/snowy all day long. Instead its just cold and gray! I guess that is spring in the Midwest though! You never know what you'll get right?
So two months have gone past since I blogged last. I'm not quite sure where the time has gone! Addison has grown and so have I! My belly is nice and round now, only 9 more weeks to go! The baby is healthy and so am I. I am anemic this time, just like I was with Addison, and have to take iron supplements. Other than that, the pregnancy is going well. Its a lot tougher this time with an almost two year old running around the house! I can't sit and put my feet up when I get tired! Addison would have the house in shambles if I let her get away with everything!
I am still working my usual schedule, 12 hour days MWF. I think at this point with Addy I was able to switch over to 8 hr days 5 days a week. We can't really do that this time with daycare and all. So I just keep plugging along. I am definitely wiped out by the end of the day, and could probably go right to bed when I get home at 7:30!
Addison is a handful these days. She is very smart and a lot of fun! She talks so much and likes to be independent. It takes us about 30 minutes to get out of the house these days because she doesn't want to put her coat on and wants to put her shoes on herself! It can be very frustrating for Tom and I at times, but she has to learn how to do things for herself!
Addy loves to talk, she points out everything she sees when we go somewhere in the car. She is very good with her colors. Counting is coming along...she likes to skip 5 and 6 when counting to ten! Its amazing how many new words she learns every day and how she remembers things she learned days before! The toddler mind is just a sponge for information!
Addy loves to take care of her babies! She changes their diapers (wipes and all), sings them to sleep, feeds them and takes them for walks around the house! I'm hoping she'll be this willing to help with the new sibling! I think it will be an interesting transition!
I guess that is the (somewhat)short and sweet summary of the last two months. I'm going to try to be better at posting more often again! I picked out a few pics from Feb and March, wish I could post more!

Addy decided to eat some snow that we got last weekend instead of helping daddy shovel!

I have outgrown a lot of my clothes and I am refusing to buy new things for these last two months, so I am wearing more and more of Tom's t-shirts and fleeces!

Here is Addy listening to Auntie Hannah's iPod! She thought it was the neatest thing! She was just dancing away!

This was taken on Valentines Day. Addison decided to help herself to Daddy's chocolate covered pretzels!

Addy likes to build with her blocks! It keeps her entertained for a while!

1 comment:

Teresa and Kory said...

Yay!! Finally a new post. Glad I got to see Addy in person last week. She is such a cutie! Can't wait to meet the new baby. Hope you find more time for posts!!!