Tuesday, February 2, 2010

We have a tooth!!

Liv loves to get into EVERYTHING now that she is mobile!!

Is she her daddy or what?

So, FINALLY, yesterday Alivia's first tooth popped through. It seems like she has been teething forever! But the first one on the bottom front came through yesterday and it looks like the one next to it won't be too far behind!
I can't remember if I posted this before, but Alivia has started to stand on her own already! She can go from a crawling position, to a squat and then she can balance and stand up on her own!! I'm just waiting for her to start taking steps. She already loves to pull herself up on all the furniture and pull things down! She has gotten pretty good at crawling also! She can move across the room quickly either to get something that she wants, or to follow us to another room! She is growing and changing so fast!!

1 comment:

Cori said...

Wow, how fast they grow! I can't believe how big she is getting! Looking forward to seeing you later this month!!