Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Playing with Daddy


Running through the sprinkler at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Hangin' out

Wauwatosa fireworks on the 4th of July

Its been a fun month in our household...busy, but fun. 4th of July we went to the Wauwatosa parade. Addison loved seeing the firetrucks and the horses. After the parade we went to the annual Hagopian-Smith 4th of July picnic, where there were TONS of kids to play with. Addison had a blast! She was definitely ready for a nap when we got home. A late nap was good for her, so she could stay up for her first fireworks. Addison loved the fireworks, she talked about them for days afterwards. Alivia enjoyed sleeping through them.
We went to the zoo a few weeks ago for the first time in months. We need to get there more often (seeing as its only 5 minutes away and we have a Zoopass), Addison loves to go see the animals. The monkeys and the elephants are her favorites right now.
Alivia is growing like a weed! She is almost grown out of any 3 month clothes! She's been a really good baby for us. Not sleeping through the night just yet, but not doing too bad. She usually gets up just once to eat and then goes back to sleep. She's had her first smiles in the last few days and is really starting to coo and "talk" to us more. She's such a cutie! Addison has adjusted well to having a little sister and loves to help take care of her.
The last week or so has brought some big changes for Addison. We started potty training last week and she has done very well with it! We had several puddles on the floor the first day, but since then she has done very well with keeping her big girl underpants dry! She has enjoyed going potty on the toilet so much that she sometimes like to tell us every 5 minutes that she has to go, oh what a fun game! But she's getting the hang of it! Yay, we'll only have one child in diapers!! :)
Along with the potty training, we (by we, I mean Tom and I) decided it was time to be done with the Nuk (pacifier for those of you that don't call it a Nuk). So, I cut the end of it off on Saturday...it was hard for me to do it, knowing how she was going to take it, but I did it. The first two days were tough, but she seems to have gotten better with it. However, she seems to have decided that if she doesn't have her Nuk she is not going to take an afternoon nap. We're still trying to make her take one, but she mostly ends up playing in her room for an hour. Which to me is still an hour to myself (mostly). Bedtime is tough too, it takes about 2 hours for her to settle down and finally fall asleep. That was a little better last night, we'll see what tonight brings! Tom and I are making mental notes to ourselves that we are not going to let Alivia go as long with her Nuk as we did with Addison! We are learning from our mistakes...the older child is always the test child right?? :)
Thats it so far for this month...will post more in the near future! Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Wow getting rid of the Nuk & potty training....brave Momma. Good Luck with both, and hopefully Addy decides that afternoon naps are ok to take again (for your sake).