Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Getting back to normal...

We took Addison swimming at the club for the first time. She LOVES taking a bath, so we were sure she'd love the pool...and she did. She spashed around and had fun watching the other kids playing.
" Whatever it is...I didn't do it!"
Addy's new thing is to climb the stairs. As you can see our stairs are not carpeted and are very steep, so we have to keep a close eye on her. She does very well though!

So last week was a rough week. Addy cut another tooth on the top (#5), and had an ear infection. Momma had a sinus and upper respiratory infection (and is still coughing), and Dad somehow managed to avoid the illness. So this week we are finishing up our doses of antibiotics and getting back to normal.
Two weeks ago Addy had her 9 month appointment and she weighed in at 20 lbs and is 30 inches tall! She is getting so big! Mom is slowly starting to pack more and more clothes away. Hopefully the weather will start changing soon and we can start wearing the warm weather clothes mom bought at the end of last season!

1 comment:

Teresa and Kory said...

OMG! You poor things. Glad to hear everyone is feeling better.