Sunday, February 17, 2008

Another week in the Scharlau household

She liked wearing her hat this day for whatever reason. Usually she likes to take it off, same as her mittens.
Addison has taken a liking to riding in this basket. It usually has DVD's in it, which she empties out. Then she climbs in and Daddy takes her for a ride around the living room like she's on a ride at Disney World!
So can you tell that Addy is sitting in a high chair that Momma had when she was a baby? Grandma and Grandpa dug this one out for Addy to use while she is there on Fridays.
Daddy's little helper! She loves to be involved in whatever we are doing!
Here we are watching out the window, waiting for all the snow that they predicted for Sunday. Thank goodness it never came and we only got rain! Although now we have a lot of standing water, which isn't good either.

Addy has another tooth as of this weekend. Too bad its not her other front tooth! Hopefully that one is working its way in soon! Other than the tooth, the week was a pretty quiet one. One week closer to spring!


Anonymous said...

What a cutie! I love the hat! Funny that she wanted to keep it on since they are ususally trying to rip them off. Looks like she's enjoying the basket rides.

Thanks for posting pics!

Teresa and Kory said...

So cute! I love seeing Miss Addy!!

Anonymous said...

Whats with the little turd under daddy's lip?