Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Above & Beyond Childrens Museum, Sheboygan, WI

This past Saturday we made a trip up to Sheboygan, WI with our friends the Smiths,and went to the Childrens Museum there. All four kids had a great time, there was lots to see and do. Lots of climbing and sliding. Both of our girls fell asleep within minutes of getting in the car for the ride home after lunch!

Hmm...do I stay or do I go?

Tom and Brad building with the blocks...

Dr's Addison and Alma trying to figure out whats wrong with Lori

Grocery shopping, good thing I don't let Alivia loose in the real grocery store... She'd have the shelves empty in no time!

Saturday evening we had the Smith's over for pizza and a movie. Here are all four kids, snuggled in watching Beauty and the Beast. Had to take a picture of it, its not often that you can have 20 minutes of quiet with four kids, ages 4 and under!!

Finally...more pictures!

My little baking friend
So hard to get a picture of the two of them together

All dressed in our swimsuits! Ready for the pool!


Out taking a walk


Liv really wanted the car out, she is VERY ready for warmer weather!!